Card NEC Univerge SV8100 CD-4DLCA Digital Station Interface

Kode Produk 0063
Stok 0 buah
Berat 0 gram

Jual Card NEC Univerge SV8100 CD-4DLCA Digital Station Interface (670107), JUAL Card NEC CD-4DLCA, Jual Card NEC, Jual 4 PORT (CD-4DLCA) digital extension circuit, CD-4DLCA Digital Port Extension, Card NEC CD 4 DLCA
CD-8DLCA Digital Station Interface (670107)
4 (CD-4DLCA) digital extension circuits (used for digital telephone, DSS console, SLT(1)-U( ) ADP, PGD(2)-U10 ADP adapters)
These port provide -48V feeding
Two blade status LEDs – One Live LED, One Busy/Idle LED
Can be installed in any universal slot in the system and up to a maximum of 20 DLCA blades can be installed per system, providing up to 320 digital port

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